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Agriturismo La Miniera
Agriturismo La Miniera Agriturismo La Miniera Agriturismo La Miniera

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Directions to Agriturismo la Miniera

From Switzerland (E35 Highway): go to Como =>Milano=> direction Bologna => before Parma leave A1Highway, go on the Cisa Highway (A15), direction La Spezia=> Santo Stefano Magra passed, take the A12 Highway, direction Pisa =>Rosignano (end of Highway) => take SS1 Aurelia freeway, direction Roma => exit at Gavorrano Scalo (not Gavorrano!!!) and follow the signs for Ravi => arrived at Bivio di Ravi village at traffic roundabout go to Ravi, after 2.5 km from here there are two brick columns on either side of the road and immediately turn left onto a small dirt road. After a few meters you arrive at Agriturismo La Miniera.

From Brennero Highway (A22) direction => Verona => Modena (A1)=>
Bologna => Firenze => exit Scandicci => follow the signs to the freeway "FI - PI - LI "(SP 12) direction Empoli / Livorno => exit at Collesalvetti => take A1 Highway direction Grosseto/Roma => reached Rosignano continue toward the direction of Grosseto / Rome (arrived at rosignano directions are equal to those listed above).

From Rome Highway A12: direction Civitavecchia => take SS1 Aurelia freeway direction Grosseto/Follonica=> exit at Gavorrano Scalo (not Gavorrano!!!) and to reach the farm from this position, follow the instructions in the first paragraph.


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